About Me

Hey there. I am Marc

I’ve been married for 20 something years to an amazing and inspiring woman. I am a father to 4 humans, and currently a one-time grandparent. My old person name is Papi. We also have two husky’s currently taking up space in the house.

I spent most of my younger years working in restaurants. Did just about every job available throughout those days. I made the switch into IT about 9 years ago. My current 9-5 job is an IT service desk supervisor for a medical device company. Along the way there, I’ve met some really awesome and influential people (you know who you are), and I am really thankful for that.

 I try to work out and stay in shape, but then nachos always seem to creep back into my life. Who can say no to nachos? Not this guy! I also really enjoy movies. They are a great escape to be entertained. I really miss the 90’s when there was more, original content, but that’s another story. Every now and again a new game that I love comes out on Xbox, and that tends to distract me for a few days (or weeks). Board games are also a passion in my house. Pandemic, Legendary, and Rummikub, to name a few.

Side Hustle

I did start a podcast earlier this year (CasualNonsense), and if I’m being honest, I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk to even more awesome and influential people. The goal is to have some great conversations, but also help people move their passions forward. I try to have a new topic and new adventure each episode. If you’d like to see how and why I got started, you can read about that here.

Casual Nonsense

Building off of that, it brings me to this website that you are on. My hope is to not only create some good content here, but the hope is, to bring in others to contribute to Casual Nonsense both on paper and on audio.

I used to run a custom tee shirt business (MogoTees). I did that for about 5 years, and have recently started that back up. I’ve always wanted to start and run my own business, so T-shirts has allowed me to do that and really learn some things in the way of small business. But because of this, I have waaay too many tee shirts in my closet. I still have the entrepreneur bug in me, so you can expect more to come from me in different areas.

Future Plans

I am the founder and creator of Casual Nonsense LLC. It started out only as a podcast, but I am moving into the digital marketing and media space.

I do have some other irons in the fire, if you will, and I am always looking for another side hustle to add to my 5-9 job profile. If you have ideas, I’d love to chat about them. Perhaps there is an opportunity for us to collaborate.

I’ve been able to appear on some other podcasts as a guest. If you’d like you can check those out

You can also find me on social media in some places…

One thought on “About Me

  1. Hi, Marc!

    I’m submitting myself to you as a potential guest for your podcast.
    I’m a self-published author of over ninety books.
    If you Google Indigo Books and search John Leister, you can check them out.
    If you go to YouTube and enter John Leister Author, you can check out some of the podcasts I’ve appeared on.

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