30 Day Workout Challenge

The Podcast

If you’d like to listen to the updates on the Casual Nonsense podcast, here is a complete list of the entire Dirty 30 workout challenge.


Thanks for checking in to Casual Nonsense. I wanted to talk about a workout challenge that I am taking on for the next 30 days. It will be for the month of July, so I guess that technically, that’s 31 days if you are keeping score at home.

I have been feeling a little run down lately, and I feel like I need to make a change in some of my habits. I’ve been a little sporadic at the gym. No consistency, lack of motivation, and just overall dragging ass. Its time to get healthy

I am not the best eater in the world. I don’t eat all junk, but I certainly don’t go nutritious over convenience. Not to mention my weakness for Nachos. What’s for dinner you ask? Whatever is the easiest. That’s what runs through my head.

The Program

There are lots of programs out there that are available for anyone to do. One that you may have heard of is the 75 Hard Challenge. I know a few people that were able to complete this. If you ask around, you may know someone that has completed. It definately works. You can look it up if you want to find out more details about it.

Because I know me, I feel that I am not quite ready for that black diamond trail just yet. I want a program that will challenge me, but also keep my expectations in check. That can be very demanding and requires a great support system to keep you on track. So what can I do to check those boxes and still accomplish my goals?

What I have done is put my own program together, loosely based on the 75 Hard Challenge, but I am going to trim it down a bit. Please note that I am not a trainer, or nutritionist, so keep that mind as you continue.

I’m going to call this The Dirty 30 Challenge. I know, 31 days in July, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue as well, so we are going with Dirty 30

The Rules

Here is what I am going to commit to for the workout challenge for the entire month of July

1) Work out once a day for at least 30 minutes. This will be a mixture of cardio and strength. I’ve been off and on at the gym most of my life, so I have decent understanding of what I will be doing when I get there. But going each day with no days off will be the challenge.

2) Update my diet. I will not be eating any Pasta, Bread or Soda. Skipping bread will be one of the hardest pieces here. Who doesn’t love a good sandwich. The idea here will be to eat healthier. I am also going to be trying out Athletic Greens as a nutritional supliment

3) I will have to drink half my weight in water, every day. Without getting into the exact math, that comes out to about 90 ounces of water per day. I started this earlier in the week, and let me tell you, it is NOT easy. I’ve had only water all week to drink, and I am in the bathroom every 45 minutes

4) I am also committing to reading 10 pages, or 30 minutes of nonfiction, each day. Working out the brain, is just as important as working out the body. I am certainly not a reader. I would prefer an audio book or podcast. So I will be out of my comfort zone on this part.

These are four basic pillars of this challenge for me. All of these things are something that I can do individually, but the question is, can I do them all EVERYDAY, for a month.

The Social Aspect

You can expect me to add a few bonus episodes on the Casual Nonsense podcast also, so you can follow along there too. What I would ask from anyone reading this, is to keep me accountable for these tasks. Feel free to reach out anytime and see how its going.

In the event that anyone wants to track my progress in detail, I will be keeping a daily journal of my gym time and reading. I’d like to track the highs and the lows of this dirty 30 challenge. Those updates will all be posted right here, so check back and let me know what you think

More than likely, I will snap some photos. Before, after and during. I’m undecided if I will post those. I’ll also weigh myself and see how much weight I can drop. I’m not setting a weight goal, as its not the sole purpose for doing this. But certainly could be a perk.

The Inspiration

I want to give a shout out to a friend of mine, Steve Roy. Steve is a person trainer and the owner of The Fit Dad Nation. He helps dads get in shape both physically and mentally. We’ve known each other for over 20 years. He is kind of my inspiration for what I am talking about here today.

I hope to get Steve on the Podcast next month and we can talk about this workout challenge, and also how he has helped people over the years get to a great place.

Ok, here we go. Happy to have you along for the ride.

If you’d like to know more about me and my story, check out my bio page

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